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Backlighting Resin: FAQ

Resin is one of the most popular choices for backlighting materials, and for good reason. Because of how the material ...

The Best Materials for Backlighting Applications

LED technology has advanced to a point where we can use it for a wide variety of applications. Our proprietary ...

Are backlit quartz countertops right for you?

When it comes to choosing countertop materials, the options can be a bit overwhelming. A number of different factors should ...

Backlighting Onyx Stone Countertops

As LED technology progresses, craftsmen and others interested in unique lighting solutions have created innovative techniques that result in truly ...

What are the best home backlighting applications?

When considering how to truly change a space’s aesthetic, far too many people think of lighting as an afterthought. When ...

Backlighting Translucent Stone Countertops the Simple Way

Backlighting Translucent Stone Countertops the Simple Way TRANSLUCENT STONE? If someone didn't tell you, or you didn't see a picture, ...


We come from the custom home market. We have heard just about every question you could ask. So if you would like more information, give us a call at (949) 723-2906 or fill out the form to the right.