
Check out all of SLABLITE's blog posts!

What You Should Know About LED and Color Temperature

LEDs are all the rage these days, and for good reason. It's energy-efficient, long-lasting, and available in a variety of ...

How to Buy LED Lighting

LEDs, which are energy-efficient alternatives to conventional incandescent bulbs, provide the illumination you need without using as much power. Here's ...

Backlighting Basics with LED Lights

Lighting is an excellent method to alter the ambiance in a space. While dimmers and programmable lighting are becoming more ...

4 Great Places to Use Backlighting in Your Home

Placing one thing behind another to reveal distance between them is the most basic technique to demonstrate depth. When you ...

LED Backlighting Solutions for Translucent Materials

Slablite can provide you with expert advice and the right LED solution to ensure that your chosen translucent material is ...

Difference Between Edge-Lit and Back-Lit LED Panels

If you’re transitioning from older fluorescent lighting, the different LED panel options can seem a little daunting. There are two ...


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